
Credentialed and Board-Certified Psychiatrists

At Cerebral Spa, we are redefining mental health care with a passionate commitment to holistic healing. We integrate innovative treatments and evidence-based practices with a focus on the mind-body connection, creating a sanctuary where healing and growth are nurtured, and every individual feels empowered on their journey to wellness.

Our credentialed, board-certified psychiatrists are here to prescribe and oversee Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Deep TMS)—an FDA-approved, non-invasive treatment for depression and other mental health conditions. This medical oversight ensures that those seeking Deep TMS can access it with appropriate insurance approval. While our psychiatrists have experience in a wide range of treatments—including mood and anxiety disorders, treatment-resistant depression, psychosis, and substance use disorders—their primary role at Cerebral Spa is focused on facilitating Deep TMS to promote better mental health outcomes.

At Cerebral Spa, we prioritize a holistic approach to mental health, tailoring each individual’s care to their unique needs. By focusing on therapies that calm the mind and nurture the body, our clinicians empower individuals to achieve balance and long-term well-being. From evidence-based techniques to lifestyle-focused strategies, we provide a path to healing that aligns with a whole-person philosophy.

We are committed to accessibility by working with all major insurance providers, even medicare and medicaid; ensuring more people can experience the benefits of our advanced and personalized care. Whether receiving Deep TMS, working with a multidisciplinary team, or utilizing other supportive therapies, our goal is to deliver comprehensive and compassionate mental health solutions.

At Cerebral Spa, we believe in a brighter, more balanced future for mental health—one rooted in holistic care, innovation, and the power to heal.
